In the name of Allah the most gracious and greatful,,,,
May Allah bless all of you,,,Aamiin
May this blog give insparation to those who're looking for insparation....
This blog is all about me!yeah!!!:D

Tuesday 16 December 2014

I Wonder...

Assalamualaikum ,,,,
huh!tak jawab dosa kalau jawab korang awesome:D
rase macam dah lame x meng'update' hahaha..

Hari nie saye nak share story pasal something yang i wonder who really he is...
ok,,,ade sorang ni add saye in his circles ,,and this guy really msytery tahu x??
yela ,,sbb i hv try looking for who the real this guy is ,,but still..x dapat and he is using
 mr cyclone as his account name..
kat chat die ajak intro,,so i just say sorry emm,,,
Actually takut la jugak dengan mamat nie yela i even don know  who really he is,,, wonder who he is,,,siap nk intro lagi,,
seriously,,,x kenal sorry x layan...this me,,
and a few people dah nasihat kan saya supaya jgn layan this guy yela2 takut die ade niat x baik ke kan...

look!some people may not agreed with my statement bcoz they say 'don judge a book by its cover'kan but,,,to me,, this situation kita x boleh la nak pkai kata2 yg tukan..
lagi satu...this mystery guy nak main teka-teki pulak when i asked who he is..

*i wonder*
*masih berteka teki dengan my cyclone*

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