In the name of Allah the most gracious and greatful,,,,
May Allah bless all of you,,,Aamiin
May this blog give insparation to those who're looking for insparation....
This blog is all about me!yeah!!!:D

Monday, 24 November 2014

Mengajar:Moral of the story

assalamualikum everyone!

today news:
I promote my blog nie kat my friends kat facebook,,,,
then one of them tetibe je tanye something'weyhhh cam ne nk wat blog'
then dgn hati terbuke nk ajr laa my friend tue on how create blog....
you what happened next???
*malu nk cite hahaha

tetibe je my otak mcm kne block ....I boleh lupe cara nak buat blog hushhhh
So I ckp laa kat my frenz tue 'jap2 aku search kan'
when actually the real situation is i'm looking on how to create blog sbb nye ,,
ermm ntah mcm mne nk ckp ckp pon x tau ,,pendek kate otak I mmg blank time tu,,,

At last,I ckp kat my frenz 'senang2 ko tgk je laa youtube'
oke,,,i know my frenz mesti frustrated kan
mane x nye mule2 I yg offer nk ajr die mcm mne nk buat blog
at  last I suro die tgk utube sndiri and I kate kat dye 'weyhh sambung mlm je laa'
when actually I search balik on how to create blog...

So moral of the story ::::::
1.jangan pandai2 nk offer ajar org something that you're not sure with that something is,,right?
2.kite kne tahu sesuatu ilmu tue dgn mndlm sblum nk ajr kat org
3,klu2 dh trlajak kate nk ajr tue mmg x bole undur so amik jln mudah suroh je laa "ank murid"korg tue tgk utube hahahaha
4.I think tue je jln nk settle nk mslh kan???
5.klu korg ade idea lain bolelah tinggalkan comment:/

P/s:kesian my friend tue,,,
     kepada my friend yg berkenaan yg dh bce my post nie...I'm sorry laa ye!really sorry :D

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