assalamulaikum girls,boys,ladies and gentlemen and so on,,
I pernah laa jugak promote my blog nie kat a few people
*actually its more than a few
then dorg tnye something fishy like
'kau nak wat ape dgn blog tue' or 'ape tujuan ko wat blog..weyhh x bende laa..boring ' and what so ever...
*sambil tayang muke memerli dorg tue perghh,,perit je kan
And i'm sure that you all mesti trtanye2 kan whats the purpose am i creating this blog kan
so let me tell you the story
*story laa sangat kan
oke back to the story
Actually ,,
pada tanggal bla bla and bla....
I feel very bored doing nothing ,,
and tetibe datang plak idea nak create blog...
so I just go on with the idea and....
terciptalah blog nie..
*tragis x my story,,,
-The End-
okey,,macam tuelah citenye,,,