In the name of Allah the most gracious and greatful,,,,
May Allah bless all of you,,,Aamiin
May this blog give insparation to those who're looking for insparation....
This blog is all about me!yeah!!!:D

Monday 24 November 2014

Mainan Tidur

assalamualaikum guys!!!!!

"weyhh name ko ape ek??"aku tanye kebingungan*cewahh ayat,,gempak gitu*

"ishhh ko nie,,,ko tahukan aku suke ko?Muhd Haziq Daniel!"dia menjawab dengan nada kecewa + marah

tue lah conversation yg still i remember about dia...
x de laa dlm mimpi i tue ,i just know that kteorg sume panggil die daniel but kat jersi bola yg die pkai tue tertera name haziq,,,so i tanye je laa ape name dia yg sbnar2nye
macam tue laa i jumpe that guy in my dream,,,
actually i  xtahu pon sape that guy,,,,,,

So i decide nak cari sape laa budak nie,,,tak tahu laa wujud ke x???
::mimpikan mainan tidur::

adek i kata sweet laa cite kak no nie,,
then i kata sweet laa sangat kan hahahha

p/s:oiii sedaq la wahai umat tukan mimpi!!!

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