In the name of Allah the most gracious and greatful,,,,
May Allah bless all of you,,,Aamiin
May this blog give insparation to those who're looking for insparation....
This blog is all about me!yeah!!!:D

Monday 1 December 2014

When Language meet The world

Assalamualaikum and hi everyone,,,,

rase dah lame x update,,ahaksss

Hari tu i tgk this with my ynger sis,,,

then i cakap laa kat my 1st sis

that is very embrassing moment ever,,,

and you know what my 1st sis ckp 'ohh please laa korean?!nothing to be proud of okey!

bekk kene tepat2 kat batang hidung,,,hahaha

okey then i cakap kat my sis tue 'of course laa,,there's nothing to be proud of,,and i bukan nye minat dorg sgt pon,,i just love to learn their language,,yeah..languages sendiri tahukan that i have learn few of languages right?and by learning their languages i can learn their tradition too,,,'

then my 1st terus senyap,,,to my sis:bekk kene batang hidung die,,,hahaha*jahat punye adik-giiiiiii-tayang gigi hihihi*

korean!!!yeah!!nothing to be proud of!!