In the name of Allah the most gracious and greatful,,,,
May Allah bless all of you,,,Aamiin
May this blog give insparation to those who're looking for insparation....
This blog is all about me!yeah!!!:D

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Thinked back!!!

Bismillah and peace upon to you :)

people may think kenape i letak post title 'Think Back' kan??
*perasan jew,,,yuuuu

ok ! let me define the post title ' Think Back ' 
*ewahh ayat,,define aiii~

u olls klu perasan kan dekat bawah my blog description 
i adelah letak some kate2 aluan right?! tapi something that i want to hightlight here ayat nie...

      "May this blog give insparation to those who're looking for insparation"

actually mase i tulis this greeting i just maen taip je that greeting yg come out of my mind :D
then after a few days i bace balik all my post ,,,hihihi,,, then  i baru perasan my greeting tuu..
ok seriously mmg x masuk kan dgn my blog..

when i think back ape bendenye yg my blog nie bagi insparation kan?
ermmm,,,but i think it's okay,,,
So to those who're yg frustrated sbb igtkan yg my blog nie mungkin help you all tapi sbnrnye x mmbantu langsung,,really sorry okey*buat muke sedih,,,comel gitu#akuperasan#*

thatsme :D

Monday, 24 November 2014

#Belanja Gambar

ni gambar mase gi akak sedare tunang,,,acehhhh2 posing hakhakahak

nie mase otw nak gi majlis tunang ,,,im sure mesti korg tertanye2 tgh tgk ape kan,,,,*ok..perasan*mase nie kteorg tgh layan running man yeah!!

tue diaa,,,,,,my kakak sedare yg dh bertunang,,,dlm gmbar nie ade my omma n my siblings!!

Mainan Tidur

assalamualaikum guys!!!!!

"weyhh name ko ape ek??"aku tanye kebingungan*cewahh ayat,,gempak gitu*

"ishhh ko nie,,,ko tahukan aku suke ko?Muhd Haziq Daniel!"dia menjawab dengan nada kecewa + marah

tue lah conversation yg still i remember about dia...
x de laa dlm mimpi i tue ,i just know that kteorg sume panggil die daniel but kat jersi bola yg die pkai tue tertera name haziq,,,so i tanye je laa ape name dia yg sbnar2nye
macam tue laa i jumpe that guy in my dream,,,
actually i  xtahu pon sape that guy,,,,,,

So i decide nak cari sape laa budak nie,,,tak tahu laa wujud ke x???
::mimpikan mainan tidur::

adek i kata sweet laa cite kak no nie,,
then i kata sweet laa sangat kan hahahha

p/s:oiii sedaq la wahai umat tukan mimpi!!!

Lyrics: 3 bears

kom sema-ri-ga
han chi-be-yi-so
appa gom
omma gom
ae-gi gom
appa gommun tung-tung-hae
omma gommun nal-shin-hae
ae-gi gommun na bul-gwi-yo-wo
hishuk hishuk cha-rhan-da
::Full House
::copy paste

Lyrics: Khalidu bil quran

Khalidu Bil Qur`ani Huwa Imamuna
`Ala Hidayatillahi Amitna (2x)

Kalamu Rabbina Hidayatuna
Atohu Jibrilu `Ala Rasulina (2x)

Kalamu Rabbina `Ala Nuril Musthafa(4x

Kekalkan Al Qur`an Sebagai Imam Kita
Moga Kita Mati Di Dalam Petunjuknya (2x)

Kalamullah Hidayah Bagi Kita Diberikan Jibril Kepada Rasul Kita(2x)


Lyrics: Bilnabilhuda

Binnabil huda Ya Rasulussalam

Wayamursala rahmatan lil anam

‘Alaikassolatu wa’alaikassalam

Wasohbika wattabi’inal kirom

Dengan Nabi yang membawa hidayah

Wahai utusan rahmat sekalian alam

Selawat salam pujian untukmu

Para sahabat juga tabi’in yang mulia.

Binnabil huda nahnu jundul huda

Sanabqi ‘alal ‘ahdi tulul mada

Bazzhalnaddima wartadhoinar-roda

Li nashril huda Ya Rasulussalam

Dengan Nabi yang membawa hidayah

Kami sambung perjuangan sucimu

Berkorban jiwa raga untuk agama

Janji taat setia selamanya

Ya Mustofa Rasullallah

Ya Sanadi Ya Sayyidi

Wahai yang Terpilih, Utusan Allah

Kau sandaranku, Pemimpinku

Sollu..Sollu, sollu, sollu..

Allahumma solli wassallim ‘ala sayyidina Muhammad wa aalihi Muhammad

Allahumma solli wassallim ‘ala sayyidina Muhammad wa sohbihi Muhammad

Mari selawat beramai-ramai

Ya Allah, selawat atas baginda Muhammad, dan keluarganya

Ya Allah, selawat atas baginda Muhammad dan para sahabatnya.

Binnabil huda nahnu jundul huda

Sanabqi ‘alal ‘ahdi tulul mada

Bazzhalnaddima wartadhoinar-roda

Li nashril huda Ya Rasulussalam

Dengan Nabi yang membawa hidayah

Kami sambung perjuangan sucimu

Berkorban jiwa raga untuk agama

Janji taat setia selamanya

Ya Shafi’ie Khuz biyadi

Ya Rasullallah, Habiballah

Huwal Hadil Basyir

Wahai yg memberi syafaat ambil/pegang tanganku,

Pesuruh Allah, Kekasih Allah,

Dialah petunjuk, dialah pemberi khabar gembira.

Sollu,sollu, sollu, sollu..

Allahumma solli wassallim ‘ala sayyidina Muhammad wa aalihi Muhammad

Allahumma solli wassallim ‘ala sayyidina Muhammad wa sohbihi Muhammad

Mari selawat beramai-ramai,

Ya Allah, selawat atas baginda muhammad, dan keluarganya,

Ya Allah, selawat atas baginda muhammad dan para sahabatnya.


Wahai yg memberi syafaat,





Pesuruh Allah,

Ya Allah, selawat atas baginda muhammad, dan keluarganya

Ya Allah, selawat atas baginda muhammad dan para sahabatnya

Ya Allah, selawat atas baginda muhammad, dan keluarganya


lyrics by me @copy&paste^^

Mengajar:Moral of the story

assalamualikum everyone!

today news:
I promote my blog nie kat my friends kat facebook,,,,
then one of them tetibe je tanye something'weyhhh cam ne nk wat blog'
then dgn hati terbuke nk ajr laa my friend tue on how create blog....
you what happened next???
*malu nk cite hahaha

tetibe je my otak mcm kne block ....I boleh lupe cara nak buat blog hushhhh
So I ckp laa kat my frenz tue 'jap2 aku search kan'
when actually the real situation is i'm looking on how to create blog sbb nye ,,
ermm ntah mcm mne nk ckp ckp pon x tau ,,pendek kate otak I mmg blank time tu,,,

At last,I ckp kat my frenz 'senang2 ko tgk je laa youtube'
oke,,,i know my frenz mesti frustrated kan
mane x nye mule2 I yg offer nk ajr die mcm mne nk buat blog
at  last I suro die tgk utube sndiri and I kate kat dye 'weyhh sambung mlm je laa'
when actually I search balik on how to create blog...

So moral of the story ::::::
1.jangan pandai2 nk offer ajar org something that you're not sure with that something is,,right?
2.kite kne tahu sesuatu ilmu tue dgn mndlm sblum nk ajr kat org
3,klu2 dh trlajak kate nk ajr tue mmg x bole undur so amik jln mudah suroh je laa "ank murid"korg tue tgk utube hahahaha
4.I think tue je jln nk settle nk mslh kan???
5.klu korg ade idea lain bolelah tinggalkan comment:/

P/s:kesian my friend tue,,,
     kepada my friend yg berkenaan yg dh bce my post nie...I'm sorry laa ye!really sorry :D

Monday, 17 November 2014

Getting Started:Briefing

Bismillah and peace upon to you

Today i ll tell you some briefing bout this blog
*actually more than briefing

Dalam blog nie InsyAllah I ll share with you guys,,
some of my experience or my view or ape2 je laa
maybe this blog going to be ssecond diary kot~

tue je kot for today
*habis idea sudah
*selamat malam
*otak blank seketika<<ewahh ayat...

p/s:truly Naa^^

Getting Started:BTS

assalamulaikum girls,boys,ladies and gentlemen and so on,,
I pernah laa jugak promote my blog nie kat a few people
*actually its more than  a few
then dorg tnye something fishy like
'kau nak wat ape dgn blog tue' or 'ape tujuan ko wat blog..weyhh x bende laa..boring ' and what so ever...
*sambil tayang muke memerli dorg tue perghh,,perit je kan

And i'm sure that you all mesti trtanye2 kan whats the purpose am i creating this blog kan

so let me tell you the story
*story laa sangat kan
oke back to the story

Actually ,,
pada tanggal bla bla and bla....
I feel very bored doing nothing ,,
and tetibe datang plak idea nak create blog...
so I just go on with the idea and....
terciptalah blog nie..
*tragis x my story,,,
   -The End-

okey,,macam tuelah citenye,,,

All praises to Allah

yes,,thats what we should do!